Funny Story: Attack of the Pelicans
Funny stories are one of the things that I don't only have problems telling, but I also have trouble writing. I feel that it's not just me; some people are born great oral storytellers, whereas I have to work hard to tell a story without completely butchering it. Writing a funny story is even more of a talent. As I found through creative writing classes, many stories in my head don't come out right when I write them. They come out even less funny than if I tell them aloud. Well, here's another attempt. If it's not funny, I swear, you had to have been there.The Attack of the Pelicans Story
While in Florida last week, Kate and I went to Robbie's in Islamorada in the Keys. I had a great time and highly recommend it, but with this one warning: beware of the pelicans. While they look cute in Finding Nemo and from across the water, they're not so cute close up.
Anyways, that was definitely not the pelicans we met. At Robbie's, they have these horrendous looking giant fish called tarpons in the water for visitors to feed. You get a bucket of smelly fish, go out on the dock and feed them.
On the dock is full of these. (Please note, no zoom was used.)
Now piece it together. Kate and I with a bucket of fish feeding these ugly fish.
And then they creeped in.

And then we screamed and ran away like the wussy females we are as the manly fishermen had a great laugh at our expense.
And possibly other people, too, as Robbie's has a live webcam on their dock. View it here and hope for more people like us.
My camera ended up on the dock and somehow it didn't fall in and wasn't eaten by those nasty birds that now make seagulls look tame. Luckily, neither were Kate's keys or our wallets, as celebratory drinks were quickly purchased (at about 11 a.m.) in honor of neither of us falling in the water to meet those nasty fish or being bitten by one of those nasty pelicans.
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