Went to Florida to visit Kate. Enjoyed record-breaking cold weather. Didn't take a single picture. Started my last semester of college. Interned. Started my last semester living with Katie.
Class, intern, work, repeat. Enjoyed parts of my last sorority recruitment. Enjoyed snow days with my favorite people. Stole a silver monkey from a party and turned silver. Got really, really close to people who matter.

Went on a cruise with Boyfriend. Went horseback riding through Freeport. Met some awesome people at our dinner table. Stuffed my face. Gained five pounds. Got dressed up with rich people.

Enjoyed my last Greek Week. Won Greek Week. AGain Danced all night at my last formal. Tanned in the quad instead of studying for finals. Skipped class to go to the beach. Got dressed up.

Spent my last few weeks with the friends that became family over four years. Graduated college. Cried my eyes out. Applied for jobs.

Spent most of my days at my beach house. Tanned all day. Applied to jobs.

Tanned all day. Applied to jobs. Went to my first country concert. Had an interview for my dream job. Had multiple interviews for my dream job. Didn't get my dream job. Had another job interview. Got the job. Started working. Got the puppies. Survived days of 100 degree weather.
Spent lots of time with puppies. Spent lots of time working. Spent weekends tanning at the beach. Saw John Mayer in concert, finally. Watched my sister leave for college.
Enjoyed the best beach weather of the year. Didn't move back into college.
Turned 23. Enjoyed great fall beach days. Enjoyed a fall weekend in Lancaster. Got lost in a corn maze. Went to Hershey Park. Realized roller coasters now give me headaches. Enjoyed the leaves changing.

Went to Florida to visit Kate. Enjoyed the best weather possible. Saw fake snow while wearing flip flops.
Finished Christmas shopping early. Started to really, really enjoy blogging. Survived the holidays.