But I don't have anything really, really fun to look forward to. No spring break, no summer break. I guess this is what being a grown up is all about. Finding the fun in the little things and finding something that keeps us happy to get through the 9-5.
I guess this brings me to my New Year's Resolution. I don't think I've ever really made one planning to stick through it. Nothing more than the typical "lose 10 pounds," which I actually did last year without setting the goal.
For 2011, I want to be happier. I want to find the things that make me happy. I want to broaden my writing. I want to take tennis lessons. I want to cook more. I want to enjoy myself as I buy furniture and decorate my apartment.
I want to be less negative.
I'm a person known to say "I hate ____." "_____ is stupid." So here's the deal: if you hear my saying that or writing that, let me know. Unless it really is stupid. For example, Snooki and the Situation are stupid. I hate snow, but it gives me a reason to snuggle in my pajamas.
I think that if I think less negatively, I can be less negative and be happier.
Well, here it goes.
Being happy is the perfect new years resolution. Happy New Year!