1. Upon making it down to my car to go to work, I realize why my load seemed so light walking down two flights of steps: my left hand was missing my cup of coffee.
Said cup of coffee is up two flights of stairs sitting on my counter.
2. About an hour into the day, I realize that the words on the computer screen are a little fuzzy.
I look up from my itty-bitty computer screen to realize that everything is a little fuzzy.
Oh great, week seven of my contacts? Oops, they’re good for 2-4 weeks.
Guess it’s time to re-order.
(And see things a little fuzzy for the next 5-7 days because there is no way I’m wearing glasses all week.)
Remember that cup of coffee I walked up two steep flights of stairs to retrieve? I’ve had three sips of it since getting to work.
It’s 10:30 a.m. now and guess what? It’s cold.
(And I’ve learned that travel mugs cannot under any circumstances be put in the microwave.)
5 p.m. rolls around.
Time for the gym, yay! Oh crap, where my iPod? Working out without music or at least being able to catch the news is just not worth it.
Home it is.
I’ll just stop in, change, grab my iPod and head back out to the gym.
6 p.m.
It’s POURING out. Thunder, lightening, wind, monsoon rain.
There goes the power.