Talk about a bizarre weekend. I was all ready to post this yesterday, but I still wasn't really sure that Sunday happened.
Sunday began bright and early- 6 a.m. (Saturday also started bright and early, because, apparently, a 5 mile jog the day before a half marathon is totally normal). In Long Branch by 7:15; waiting at the starting line at 8:15. Oh, crap. Guess it's really going to happen. Starting time- 8:30- rolled around, and, with the help of Bruce Springsteen's
Born to Run, I was off.
And, two hours, fifty-seven minutes and twenty nine seconds later, I crossed that line again- and in one piece!
For almost three hours, I ran and walked (I learned that my walking pace is fast than the jog of a lot of people, sweeet!) through Monmouth Beach, Oceanport and Long Branch. Well, I booked it through a lot of Long Branch. Still unsure why the course took us through the hood.
"Dayyyum, guuuurl, you be doooin' fiiine" is pretty motivational, though.
But I survived and it was a great experience. I can officially not consider myself a fat ass anymore!

(Finish line in sight!!! And look at that form...)

And onto other events that make Sunday unbelievable ...
I came back to a clean apartment! While I was running, Boyfriend
cleaned my apartment! AND made dinner! Looks like I'll be running a half marathon every weekend now.
(Then I made brownies- hell, I deserved it!- and Boyfriend got crumbs
everywhere. I woke up next to crumbs today. I don't even know. Oh well, the apartment was clean at one point. My fault for making junk food.)
While fighting over what to watch on TV, (I only get a few Phillies games aired up here and, no, I don't care that it's only May!) I was just about to give up and go to bed (I hate losing a battle but 13.1 miles were starting to make me sleepy..), but I had waited about ten minutes too long and Nerdy Political Loud and Proud Republican Boyfriend came out to play.
Breaking news: President Obama to make a statement at 10:30 p.m. on a Sunday night ... something BIG is up.
Fox News was turned on faster than I have ever seen it before. Missed the "U-S-A" chants at the Phillies' game- ah, finally a proud moment in Philly- and, due to exhaustion and few delays, President Obama's speech because, well, anything after 10 p.m. is rough and a little fuzzy after 13 miles (and wine).
Needless to say, I woke up Monday morning very, very confused. I had ran 13.1 miles, my apartment was clean sans brownie crumbs, dishes from dinner and wine glasses, and Osama bin Laden was dead.