This book was recommended to me awhile ago but once I saw the movie preview, I knew it was way past time to read it.
And it was time for me to take a break from reading standard chick-lit, so it arrived from Amazon at a great time.
The Help is set during the 1960s in Jackson, Mississippi. While the rest of the US is integrated and the hippie movement is starting in the north, young women in Jackson can't wear dresses above the knee or grow their hair long. And black women are still the help, performing the household chores, cooking, cleaning and raising the white children of wealthy families.
This novel tells the stories of three women- Skeeter, a white recent college grad looking to change the world with her writing, Aibileen, an older maid, and Minny, a mouthy younger maid.
It's a good, entertaining read that opens your mind and makes you think. How can one city in America have been so far behind? How was it just okay for that to happen?
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