Sunday, October 31, 2010

happy halloween!

yup, they liked it about as much as these pictures show.

Monday, October 25, 2010

There's Always Next Year

I am a die-hard Phillies fan. Not a fan since they started getting good in 2001, but back in 1995 when they couldn't even win 70 games in a season.
And, as my dad taught me at a very young age, there's always next season.

Maybe Ryan Howard will remember how to swing in the off season.

Still painful.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

maybe this time it'll work?

As my blog-once-every-couple-days goal turns into once every month-and-then-some, it's clear that I suck at blogging.

I blame my sucking at blogging on these two.
Adorable, yes. Trouble? Of course. They have just hit the 5 month mark and potty training still isn't complete, as seen by the little spot on my rug that just appeared as I'm trying to write this.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Happy Fall

There's nothing like a perfect fall weekend.  Between the last days of the Indian Summer and the first frost, there are very few days that fit the iconic fall day in Jersey.

Or Pennsylvania.  This weekend Boyfriend and I went to Lancaster and Hershey Park.  It was truly the perfect long sleeves-and-jeans weekend.  Warm enough to be outside, but cold enough to not be missing the beach.
We started at a spot from my childhood, Cherrycrest Farm, which featured a huge corn maze that I highly recommend.  The last time I was here I was under 10 and it was a hot, stick summer day and it took my family hours to get out.  We did it this year in just over an hour. 

We spend Saturday touring Lancaster, making fun of the Amish, visiting Intercourse, PA (insert immature giggle here), picking out furniture for our non-existent house and just being away from everything for the weekend.

It was the perfect slightly-old person weekend.