Monday, February 28, 2011

Apparently I've Lost My Mind.

I just signed up for the Long Branch Half Marathon.

Can I run more than two miles? Barely. Did I quit soccer because I hated running? Absolutely.

But I always get so inspired after a meeting at work, and the CEO of the company I work for actually inspired me to work with him, a trainer and other co-workers to complete a half marathon. Between that, needing a hobby and wanting to lose a few more pounds, signing up for this training and the half marathon seemed like the perfectly logical explanation.

I have nine weeks to be able to do 13.1 miles.

It's on.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Coffee and Banana Bread

It's one of those days when a big mug of coffee and a giant slice of banana bread
are completely necessary-
and perfectly okay.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Pursuit of Happiness

This blog originally started at not the best time of my life. As someone used to always being on the go, I was suddenly done college, done with sorority life, jobless and living back at home for the first time with just my mom and sister. It was sort of putting me in a situation to deal with some stuff from a few years ago that I got to avoid while I was at school, so I decided to take life a day at a time.

I made a list of priorities and goals that I knew I had to work for to keep myself going. These were the big things: a job, moving out of the house, losing ten pounds.

Along the way, I knew that I had to follow a motto that I often told people when describing myself: It's the little things that make me happy.

It's ice cream or water ice on that hot summer day. It's getting a close parking spot on a rainy day. It's your favorite elliptical at the gym being empty.

When one of these things happens, it doesn't always mean so much. If you're having a bad day, it might make you smile, but when things are good, it often goes unnoticed.

Be sure to take the time to notice the little things.

I've found that when one little good thing happens, it seems to snowball. That's why you need to be sure to be paying attention and enjoying the little things. That way, you won't miss when all the little things add up and make one big thing. Yeah, it can happen. The snowball effect. You know, when things get bad, everything sucks. But guess what? It really, really does happen both ways. The almost-unheard of positive snowball effect.

Right now, lots of little things have come together. Lots of little good things have come together. Little snowflakes have all come together to make one lovely snowball.

And the funny thing is, I hate snow.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Home is where the beach is

Ok, ok. I know I've been MIA. But I have a very, very good reason.
I've been busy changing this:

into something that's actually livable.

So here's my first place:

It's really starting to feel like home now. It's not done yet, but anyone who knows me knows that I'll have it almost how I want it when I'm getting ready to move out.

I'm looking forward to my kitchen table arriving, though. Working from a couch is starting to get a little too comfortable.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day and got to spend it with with ones you love,
be it a boyfriend, husband, family members or friends.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How is it Already February?

For real, January flew by, yet the holidays feel like they were ages ago.

But it's ok with me. February 1st brings along a whole new era.

I'm moving out. Living alone. Enjoying my job. Currently playing manager at work while my boss is away.

Spring has to be coming sometime. Tomorrow is Groundhog's Day. With this lovely winter weather, there's no way he's seeing his shadow, but it's still hard to believe that someday soon all this snow will be melted. Daylight's Savings is just over a month away. An extra hour of sunlight makes everyone much, much happier.

Life is good right now. Almost too good.

Ok, what's gonna happen now?